Random Tuesday Thoughts


If it’s Tuesday this must be Random Tuesday Thoughts. It used to be brought to you by Keelyat The Un-Mom but she’s taking a hiatus. Random Tuesdays still rock on with help from Stacy .


Yesterday was my day off and instead of relaxing and taking it easy like I wanted, I ended up being crazy busy. It started Sunday night when I was at a work related dinner and I received a text from our 22 year old daughter. “Graduation was this weekend. Were you going to make me a strawberry cake?” She didn’t want to go to the actual graduation, just wanted the cake. I texted back “I’ll make one tomorrow.” Then at 9:38 our 12 year old daughter got out of bed to tell me she couldn’t sleep because she was too excited. She was looking forward to “Kid to Kid” on Monday. They make up teams at school and get pledges then they walk for 2 periods and the money gets donated to charity. She said “I was thinking about bringing in a cooler with snacks and drinks for my team.” Ummm….ok. Then I hear myself say “I’ll get some in the morning and bring them over to school for you at 12:20.” Seriously? Then Monday morning our youngest asked if I could pick him up from school in the afternoon. So I ran to the store as soon as he got on the bus. I bought a cake mix and snacks and drinks for “Kid to Kid”.  It’s amazing what “Mom guilt” will make you do.

Sunday we spent the day at Canal Days. It’s a big festival that’s held downtown in our village. Lots of crafts, food, music and people. Lots and lots of people.

I always hit up the library book sale on $2 bag of books day. I still haven’t read all the books I picked up last year so I limited myself to one bag this year. We entered the duck race, but our little duckie lost.


Due to certain commercials, there are a few words that I’ve realized that I cannot just say normally.  They are “Cookie Crisp”, “Yahoo”, “Rice a Roni”, “Activia”, and “Irish Spring”. I bet you’re sitting there saying all those words just like the commercials too!

I can find anything when I don’t need it.  When I need it, yeah, can’t find it anywhere!

I never thought I would be someone who liked working out.  I never really cared for it, but for months now I’ve been going to the gym with my BFF faithfully.  We’ve now started the C25K Program (yes there is an App for that), and I love it!  You are only suppose to do it every other day, and I actually look forward to doing it!  I feel the best that I have ever felt physically right now.  I guess all those experts were right about feeling good from daily exercise!